WMS Yearbooks

February Break
February Break
The 2025-2026 School Year calendar has been approved by the Westbrook Board of Education.
Westbrook Public Schools is pleased to announce that Westbrook Middle School was ranked #16 in Connecticut by US News and World Report. The primary indicator in the Connecticut Best Middle Schools rankings data is student performance in mathematics and English language arts as measured by the Connecticut Smarter Balanced Assessment. Smarter Balanced assessment results from the last three years demonstrate strong student growth and high achievement in both reading and math year after year for Westbrook Middle School students.
Dr. Kristina Martineau, Westbrook Superintendent of Schools shared, “While this ranking and related assessment data is just one measure of the success of our students and school community, we are so proud of our students and educators for their hard work to achieve at this level in company with the highest performing schools in the state of Connecticut. There is a strong culture of individualized support and deep level of commitment to all students in our care in Westbrook- our educators work hard each and every day to provide the best possible educational experience for our students.”
Westbrook Middle School Principal Matthew Talmadge shared, “Over the past several years, we have maintained a steadfast focus on providing a clear, coherent curriculum, adhering to traditional and proven literacy practices, and committing to research-tested teaching methods that create a strong foundation for student success. Combined with robust systems of reinforcement and enrichment for learners in need of support or advancement, we have created an educational model where all students can achieve at levels that match their potential.”
To learn more about Westbrook Middle School, please visit https://wms.westbrookctschools.org/
To learn more about Connecticut’s Best Middle School rankings from US News and World Report, please visit https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/middle-schools/connecticut
Preschool screenings will be held soon for students approaching three or four years old with concerns for developmental delays, please see the attached flyer for more information.
Westbrook Public Schools is now offering voluntary student accident insurance. For more information, review the attached documents or visit http://www.k12studentinsurance.com/.